Laramie’s Living History

This collection contains history articles that have been published in the Laramie Daily Boomerang since 2012. You can browse these articles or search for specific items in them.


The banner image is of the original Union Pacific Hotel and Depot. Construction began when the railroad arrived in May 1868. Expanded upon several times, it was the center of much social activity in Laramie. Later called the Thornburgh Hotel, it burned down in 1917 after a fire broke out in the kitchen. It was located at the foot of what is now Ivinson Avenue next to the Main UPRR line. That line was where the 7th set of tracks is today (west of the current mainline).

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The Albany County Historical Society strives to plan, to promote and to sponsor educational programs on historical subjects pertaining to Albany County and to Wyoming. We collect source materials and other historical data pertaining to the early history peculiar to Albany County and nearby areas. Our goal as an organization is to encourage our members and other local residents to do research, author articles and reports and accomplish publication of the same.


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